Emu Bird

Mini Animal Farm Emu Bird (Burung Emu) Sound Emu is a fast runner bird with a speed of up to 31 mph. It is also known as the second tallest living bird. Scientific Name Dromaius novaehollandiae Life Span The bird lives for up to 5 to 6 years. Gestational Period The...


Mini Animal Farm Sheep (Biri Biri) Sound Sheep is a domestic cud-chewing livestock mammal with a friendly nature. The skin of this ruminant mammal is covered with a fluffy coat. Scientific Name Ovis aries Life Span It has a life span of 10 to 12 years. Gestational...

Domestic Muscovy Duck

Mini Animal Farm Domestic Muscovy Duck (Itik Serati) Domestic Muscovy Ducks are the largest species of ducks with long necks that make them look like small geese. They are polygamous and one male mates with several females in their territory. Scientific Name Cairina...

Chinese Goose

Mini Animal Farm Chinese Goose (Angsa China) Sound Chinese goose are slender birds with long necks. They look similar to swans and can be white or brown in colour. Scientific Name Anser cygnoides domesticus Life Span They have an average life span of 20 years....

Macaw Parrot

Mini Animal Farm Macaw Parrot (Burung Kakak Tua) Sound Macaw parrot have both smaller and larger species. They are powdery light to deep indigo. Scientific Name Ara ararauna Life Span They have an average life span of 50 years. Gestational Period Their incubation...